The mealy redpoll is a small finch. It is larger and paler than the very similar lesser redpoll. It is streaky brown above and whitish below with black streaks. It shows two white lines on the folded wing. It does not breed in the UK, but is a passage migrant and winter visitor, particularly to the east coast.
Key ID Features:
Three species of Redpoll are regularly seen in the UK-Common or Mealy, Lesser and the much scarcer Arctic, an occasional winter visitor from Scandinavia.
In all varieties the males sport a red forehead and usually a pink washed breast, both lacked by the female. They also all share a yellow triangular bill with a dark base.
The Common or Mealy Redpoll is a winter visitor, larger and paler than the Lesser Redpoll.
It is generally greyer in appearance with distinct white wing bars.
Scientific name: Carduelis flammea
Family: Finches (Fringillidae)
Where to see them:
They breed in woodland, but also visit gardens. Lesser redpolls can be seen dangling from tiny twigs in birch and alder trees, or perhaps on shrub stems. This is a widespread breeding species in Scotland, northern and eastern England and Wales. It is less common in central, southern and south-west England, but does occur in these places in winter.
Seen in UK:
October to April.
What they eat
Small seeds from birch, alder and spruce, and insects.
Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
For more information click here
Location: Blashford Lakes, Hampshire
Photographer: Tim Tapley