About the size of a kestrel with long pointed wings, reminiscent of a giant swift. It has a dashing flight and will chase large insects and small birds like swallows and martins. Prey is often caught in its talons and transferred to its beak in flight. Can accelerate rapidly in flight and is capable of high-speed aerial manoeuvres.

Key ID Features
Small, agile falcon often seen chasing small birds or insects, such as dragonflies, over water in an incredible aeriel display.
Both sexes similar with heavy streaking on pale breast, pale cheeks, black head and 'moustache' and rufous thighs.
Long tapered wings visible in flight.

Scientific name: Falco subbuteo
Family: Hawks, vultures and eagles (Accipitridae)

Where to see them:
Now breeds across central, southern and eastern England, into S Wales and just about reaching northn England and S Scotland. Best looked for hunting over woodland edges, heathlands where there is plenty of large insect prey. Gravel pits are a popular feeding areas in late summer when there is plenty of food.

Seen in UK:
Arrives in the UK from April onwards and mainly leaves in September and October. Best looked for on warm summer days when there are plenty of dragonflies, summer chafers and other prey around.

What they eat
Insects and small birds

Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
For more information click here

Photographer: Tim Tapley

About the size of a kestrel with long pointed wings, reminiscent of a giant swift. It has a dashing flight and will chase large insects and small birds like swallows and martins. Prey is often caught in its talons and transferred to its beak in flight. Can accelerate rapidly in flight and is capable of high-speed aerial manoeuvres.

Key ID Features
Small, agile falcon often seen chasing small birds or insects, such as dragonflies, over water in an incredible aeriel display.
Both sexes similar with heavy streaking on pale breast, pale cheeks, black head and 'moustache' and rufous thighs.
Long tapered wings visible in flight.

Scientific name: Falco subbuteo
Family: Hawks, vultures and eagles (Accipitridae)

Where to see them:
Now breeds across central, southern and eastern England, into S Wales and just about reaching northn England and S Scotland. Best looked for hunting over woodland edges, heathlands where there is plenty of large insect prey. Gravel pits are a popular feeding areas in late summer when there is plenty of food.

Seen in UK:
Arrives in the UK from April onwards and mainly leaves in September and October. Best looked for on warm summer days when there are plenty of dragonflies, summer chafers and other prey around.

What they eat
Insects and small birds

Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
For more information click here

Photographer: Tim Tapley