A small, dumpy grebe, commonly known as a dabchick, which often appears to have a 'fluffy' rear end. It readily dives when disturbed, surfacing unseen some distance away. In summer it has a bright chestnut throat and cheeks and a pale gape patch at the base of the bill. It can be noisy, with a distinctive whinnying trill.
Key ID Features:
Small, dark, short-billed and very rounded in shape.
In summer plumage it has a small yellow patch at the base of the bill and a russet neck.
Scientific name: Tachybaptus ruficollis
Family: Grebes (Podicipedidae)
Where to see them
It is found across the UK although is largely absent from upland areas. Look for it wherever there are suitable lakes, gravel pits, canals and slow rivers with plenty of vegetation. In winter it can be found on more exposed lakes, as well as sheltered coasts and estuaries. Winter concentrations can be found in places like the Thames Estuary, Chew Valley Lake and Rutland Water.
Seen in UK:
All year round.
What they eat
Insects, larvae and small fish
Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
For more information click here
Location: Radipole,Weymouth
Photographer: Tim Tapley