A large, long-tailed gamebird. Males have rich chestnut, golden-brown and black markings on body and tail, with a dark green head and red face wattling. Females are mottled with paler brown and black. They were introduced to the UK long ago and more recent introductions have brought in a variety of races and breeds for sport shooting.
Key ID Features
The colourful male has red watting on face, an irridescent blue to purple head, white neck ring and back and flanks varying from grey to brown.
Female is plainer brown with bold black markings.
Both sexes have long tails visible in flight, the males often trailing and splayed and the females more pointed.
Scientific name: Phasianus colchicus
Family: Partridges, quails, pheasants and allies (Phasianidae)
Where to see them:
Across most of the UK, apart from the far north and west of Scotland. Least common in upland and urban. Usually seen in the open countryside near woodland edges, copses and hedgerows.
Seen in UK:
All year round.
What they eat
Seeds, grain and shoots.
Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
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Photographer: Tim Tapley