Comma (Polygonia c-album)
Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Nymphalinae
Tribe: Nymphalini
Genus: Polygonia
Species: c-album
Subspecies: c-album hutchinsoni
Key ID Features:
Ragged outline of the wings is unique and distinctive.
Upperside of wings boldly patterned in orange and black.
Underside of the female is plainer and wings less deeply scalloped than the male.
Seen in UK: April-October
Looking like a tatty Small Tortoiseshell, the Comma is now a familiar sight throughout most of England and Wales and is one of the few species that is bucking the trend by considerably expanding its range. The butterfly gets its name from the only white marking on its underside, which resembles a comma. When resting with wings closed this butterfly has excellent camouflage, the jagged outline of the wings giving the appearance of a withered leaf, making the butterfly inconspicuous when resting on a tree trunk or when hibernating.
Text (c) UK Butterflies, used with permission
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Photographer: Tim Tapley