Skylark (Alauda arvensis)
Skylark (Alauda arvensis)

The skylark is a small brown bird, somewhat larger than a sparrow but smaller than a starling. It is streaky brown with a small crest, which can be raised when the bird is excited or alarmed, and a white-sided tail. The wings also have a white rear edge, visible in flight. It is renowned for its display flight, vertically up in the air. Its recent and dramatic population declines make it a Red List species.

Key ID Features:
Most often seen in it's high, fluttering flight when disturbed, accompanied by a complex, cascading song, showing grey underwings and white edged dark tail.
Closer views at ground level reveal a white belly, heavily streaked buff breast and dark striped, brown upperparts giving it a rather 'scaly' appearance.
A dark eye sits between pale centred cheeks, a whitish eyebrow and a squared, streaked crest.
A long hind claw can sometimes be seen on pinkish legs and feet.

Scientific name: Alauda arvensis
Family: Larks (Alaudidae)

Where to see them:
Found everywhere in the UK. Likes open countryside, from lowland farmland to upland moorland. Often inconspicuous on the ground, it is easy to see when in its distinctive song flight.

Seen in UK:
All year round.

What they eat
Seeds and insects.

Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
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Photographer: Tim Tapley