A large goose, with a distinctive black head and neck and large white throat patch. An introduced species from N America, it has successfully spread to cover most of the UK. It forms noisy flocks and is often regarded as a nuisance in areas where large numbers occur on amenity grassland and parks.
Key ID Features:
Large goose with grey-brown back and white under tail, (similar to Greylag Goose), but white breast, black neck, head and bill with white chinstrap are distinctive.
White rump visible in flight.
Scientific name: Branta canadensis
Family: Swans, ducks and geese (Anatidae)
Where to see them:
A familiar goose seen around lakes, gravel pits and town parks.
Seen in UK:
All year round. In winter, occasional birds of small races are seen with other wild geese species in N Ireland and W Scotland, and may be vagrant wild birds.
What they eat
Vegetation - roots, grass, leaves and seeds.
Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
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Photographer: Tim Tapley