Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)
Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

Similar in size and shape to the chaffinch, the male has a black head in summer, and an orange breast with white belly. In flight it shows a long white rump. Gregarious in winter, it may form flocks of many thousands and often joins with chaffinches. Numbers can vary between winters depending on food supplies.

Key ID Features:
A close relative of the Chaffinch it is similar in size and shape but rather more strikingly coloured.
Adults sport an orangey breast and chin above a white belly, with spotted flanks.
Summer males have a glossy black head, back, mantle and bill but as a winter visitor to the UK we only see a mottled grey head and yellow, dark tipped bill.
In flight white wing bars can be seen along with a white rump above an all dark tail without white edges of Chaffinch.

Scientific name: Fringilla montifringilla.
Family: Finches (Fringillidae)

Where to see them:
In winter likes beech woodland, farmland fields near woods. Look in flocks of chaffinches and other finches. In autumn look along east coast woodlands and fields. Will visit gardens in winter.

Seen in UK:
Watch out for them from mid-September until March and April. Occasional birds stay into May or even later.

What they eat
Seeds in winter; insects in summer.

Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
For more information click here

Location: Blashford Lakes

Photographer: Tim Tapley

Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

Similar in size and shape to the chaffinch, the male has a black head in summer, and an orange breast with white belly. In flight it shows a long white rump. Gregarious in winter, it may form flocks of many thousands and often joins with chaffinches. Numbers can vary between winters depending on food supplies.

Key ID Features:
A close relative of the Chaffinch it is similar in size and shape but rather more strikingly coloured.
Adults sport an orangey breast and chin above a white belly, with spotted flanks.
Summer males have a glossy black head, back, mantle and bill but as a winter visitor to the UK we only see a mottled grey head and yellow, dark tipped bill.
In flight white wing bars can be seen along with a white rump above an all dark tail without white edges of Chaffinch.

Scientific name: Fringilla montifringilla.
Family: Finches (Fringillidae)

Where to see them:
In winter likes beech woodland, farmland fields near woods. Look in flocks of chaffinches and other finches. In autumn look along east coast woodlands and fields. Will visit gardens in winter.

Seen in UK:
Watch out for them from mid-September until March and April. Occasional birds stay into May or even later.

What they eat
Seeds in winter; insects in summer.

Text (c) RSPB, used with permission
For more information click here

Location: Blashford Lakes

Photographer: Tim Tapley